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View Textile Magazine no. 140
The Forecast issue S/S 2024
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View 140 | S/S 2024
We have beengranted our freedom once more, prompting most designers to present theircollections with live catwalk shows for the first time since the globalpandemic hit in 2020. We had thought that such a catastrophic event plus, allthe other grim issues besieging our world, would have a lasting affect and ourbusiness would learn some lessons. Have we changed our ways? We fear not. Thegiant fashion and textile juggernaut appears to have resumed its course and theshareholders and business bosses are trundling along the well-ploughed furrowbent on fiscal growth. Having this as the primary goal is largely to thedetriment of the health of our planet and goes against the the aim of makingclothes that are well designed, ethical, sustainable and offer a reason forconsumers to invest thoughtfully. There are surely ways to have both,integrating long term environmental and fair social aims into the process andalso generating profit. It takes a radical shift however and pressing the resetbutton takes courage and a long-term perspective. Optimism was certainly a topline message coming through but it’s an empty one if it isn’t backed up bymeaningful action. There are designers who are taking braver steps but thesestories around sustainability of product and initiatives that are inclusive andtruly working towards rewriting fashion rules are drowned out by the power andsheer volume of those who put profit first.
The futureof making – concepts with a clear human voice
Living in anincreasingly complicated world – with uncertainty here to stay – productstories must stand out, be authentic and fit for communication through multiplechannels.
The futureof design – postmodern aesthetics
New tools todigitally augment our faces and bodies offers up the freedom of self-expressionto turn ourselves into dystopian characters, transcending physical limits ofhow we should look.
Menswearmessages – What is the shape of things to come?
This season,the catwalk addresses many issues that are front of mind: our planetary healthand sustainability, expanding definitions of menswear in terms of identity, bodystandards as well as issues around wellbeing and connectivity to our naturalworld. This is a new age of menswear
Womenswearmessages – Key take-outs from S/S 2023
Optimism wascertainly a top line message coming through but it’s an empty one if it isn’tbacked up by meaningful action.
Fabricmessages – merchandising directions for A/W 23/24
Although avery uncertain retail market (see Publishers View, page 20-21) has added tocontinuing worries about supply line security, delivery times, inflation andenergy costs, manufacturers have sort to bring something modern and unexpectedto the table even though trading conditions might demand a more conservativeand commercial approach.
Womenswearpreview – the changing landscape
Living in anincreasingly complicated world – with uncertainty here to stay – productstories must stand out, be authentic and fit for communication through multiplechannels.
Menswearpreview – reflecting social movement and shifting standards
Sustainability,self-awareness, and creativity are directing menswear design towards inspiringnew times, reflecting social movement and shifting standards around the meaningof masculinity.
Knitwearpreview – a lexicon of experimental energy
At first,knitwear seemed to be taking a back seat, but a closer look presented a newlexicon of experimental energy. Classics are rediscovered with a new story totell, contrasting this with an ebullient colour confidence that plays freelywith bold patterns and textures.
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